Know you were made for MORE? 
I got you...

Work With Me...

Are you ready to get unstuck, but not sure how-  and this is frustrating because you're SO SMART?!!  I got you. 
In my unique 1:1 twelve-week program, you'll see results FAST.
Get OFF the hamster wheel, and create a life that brings joy, peace, and genuine happiness with the support you need and deserve.

2 spots available starting March 2024

12 Week Transformation

Life is too short to feel unfulfilled at the end of each day. 

Everything in the universe is made up of energy. The SAME energy.
Energy healing releases blocks, stagnations, or held patterns in the Human Energy Field. This field is the blueprint for your physical body and directs every aspect of the human experience. 

While most of my work is intuitive, I combine my knowledge of somatic therapy, energy medicine, psychology, trauma work, bioenergetics, and many other holistic modalities in my practice. Most importantly,  YOU are the healer- I’m just the guide. There is nothing I can give you, that you don’t already possess deep inside yourself. 

In-Person or Distance Energy Healing Session 

90 Min Session |  $300

Energy work

It's time to put yourself first and LOVE YOUR LIFE

Let's get started!

All content © Melanie Mishler 2024

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