Unlocking Your Greatest Superpower- Intuition

Hi Friend,
I’m beyond excited to bring you into a conversation that’s not just close to my heart but essential to our journey through life. This week on the Magnetic Creator podcast, we’re exploring a territory that might just be the most powerful tool in our life’s toolkit—our intuition.

You know, that feeling that nudges you when something just feels right (or wrong)? That’s what we’re talking about. And in a world that often feels like it’s shouting at us from all directions, learning to listen to that quiet voice within us is more important than ever.

Why Your Intuition is Your Superpower

Remember when you were a kid and just knew things? Maybe when to trust someone or not, based purely on that feeling in your gut? Well, that’s your intuition, and guess what? It didn’t go anywhere. We just stopped listening.

Life, with all its noise and demands, can make tuning into our intuition feel like trying to hear a whisper in a storm. But here’s the thing—we can learn to hear it again, and this episode is all about how to do just that.

Personal Experience with Intuition

From a young age, I was a very intuitive child. Growing up, I experienced a lot of trauma—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Often, people who experience trauma have a more heightened intuitive sense. As a child, I had a heightened experience of knowing and sensing things. If there was going to be a conflict in our home, I would sense it before it even happened. But when I brought this up to the adults, I was always told everything was fine. This happened over and over.

Fast forward to being an adult, last year, I had a dream about an earthquake. An hour after waking up, there was an actual earthquake. I got excited, but my husband dismissed it as a coincidence. This is common—when a woman’s intuition is correct, it’s dismissed as coincidence.

What Exactly is Intuition?

Some people ask, what exactly is our intuition and how do we access it? Honestly, no one really knows. Neuroscience, cognitive psychology, semantics, and energy work all have different explanations. But I don’t care so much about the explanation. I care that this is our superpower and we can strengthen and utilize it.

Common Experiences of Intuition

You might have had the experience of thinking about someone right before they call you or just knowing something without an explanation. That’s your intuition at work. It’s an embodied experience, sensing the world and energy around us.

3 Steps to Strengthen Your Intuition

I teach a more in-depth class on this, but here are three simple steps to get you started:

1. Remember a Time

Remember a time in your life when you had an experience with your intuition. It could be a gut feeling, meeting someone and getting chills, or a dream. Ask yourself, what did it feel like in your body? What did you notice? By remembering this, you activate the part of your brain that acknowledges this as part of you.

2. Set an Intention

Set your intention to simply receive more of these moments. Just like anytime you want to reach a goal or create something, you first have to decide and set the intention. This sets your brain into receptive mode.

3. Create Space

Create space and spend time being quiet. This doesn’t mean setting up a meditation room; it means creating space inside your head and body. We’re often busy and don’t take time to be quiet and listen. Start small—give yourself five minutes of quiet time before turning on a podcast or audiobook. Use shower time or the moments before drifting off to sleep to be receptive and quiet.

Embrace Your Intuition

It doesn’t matter where you are right now—if you are in tune with your intuition or not. We all have equal access to this. Once you start to listen and practice these tools, you’ll begin to experience it again. It’s like physical therapy for your intuition.

I hope you found something in this episode that inspired or delighted you. If so, please subscribe and share it with a friend. And don’t forget to head over to my website and get on my email list. That’s where I share all the good and really personal stuff. It’s melanniemichler.com. See you soon.


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