How To Find More Time This Week

Hi Friend,

Today, we’re diving into something short but sweet and potentially life-changing. We’re talking about finding more time—yes, that elusive treasure we all wish we had more of. If you’ve ever sighed, wishing for more hours in the day, or felt your dreams slipping through your fingers because “I’m just too damn busy,” then buckle up.

You know I’m all about that blend of woo-woo, neuroscience, and strategy. It’s the trifecta that makes transformation stick. Because you can vision board and affirm your heart out, but if you have negative self talk playing like broken records in the background- You’re building castles on quicksand. And let’s not even get started on the hamster wheel of busywork without a clear dream or direction. It’s Groundhog Day, minus Bill Murray’s charm.

So many incredible women come to me in my 12-week transformation program, outwardly nailing it but inwardly whispering, “There’s got to be more to life than this.” Whether it’s a yearning to write a book, switch careers, or just find happiness, the story is the same: “I’ll get to it later.” But here’s the cold, hard truth: Later is a myth. We’re not promised tomorrow, so why wait?

Now, let’s talk strategy with a capital S. Finding more time isn’t about discovering a hidden 25th hour. It’s about auditing your current 24. A time audit is your secret weapon here. It’s simple, eye-opening, and a bit of a gut punch—in the best way. You track your activities for a week and behold the mountains of time you didn’t know you had. Spoiler: It’s usually lost to the void of Netflix binges and social media spirals.

I’ve walked this path, juggling a million things while dreaming of love and fulfillment. And guess what? It took a brutal look at my own excuses and fears to realize I was the architect of my own prison of busyness. The time audit was my wake-up call. It showed me, in stark daylight, how much of my life was spent on things that didn’t light me up inside.

So, I challenge you friend, to embark on this journey of discovery. See where your hours really go. It’s not about shame or guilt. It’s about awareness and choice. You might just find that the life you dream of is closer than you think, hidden within the time you already have.

If you’re ready to dive deeper, to unearth the roots of your “busyness,” you know where to find me. My door is always open, and my inbox is waiting.

Till next time, be well 

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