Trusting Your Inner Guidance System

Hey friend, welcome back. Today, I want to talk about a concept that will help you reach any goal or vision you have for your life, no matter how big or small. This is your inner guidance system, or as I like to call it, your internal GPS. It’s that innate knowing within us that helps steer us towards what we want. It’s important to know that we all have this, but as we go through life, it can be easy to ignore or silence our guidance. Life gets busy, and we get caught up in the hustle. It’s like when your car’s GPS gets annoying, and you just turn off the audio. Recently, I was going through some of my dream journals and stumbled across an entry that really sank in.

A Personal Dream Story

In my dream, I was driving my car, trying desperately to get home but was totally lost. My car GPS kept giving me navigation prompts, but I kept doing the opposite. Turn right? I’d turn left. It kept rerouting, and I got so frustrated that I decided to walk instead. Walking without navigation, I wandered alone for years. Finally, I got so tired and sad, I sat down and started weeping. Then, I heard a voice say, “No matter how far off track you go, your guidance will always lead you.”

I walked back to my car, which was old and rusted, but it started right up, and my GPS started guiding me in the right direction. This dream made me realize how often we ignore our inner guidance. We all have that inner compass tucked inside us. Hearing it is a skill that takes practice. No shame in this—I’ve done it myself.

The Importance of a Clear Destination

No matter how long we ignore our guidance, it’s always there, ready to reroute us. But we have to put in a destination first, and it has to be clear. Without a clear goal, how can we get there? It’s like getting into your car and telling your GPS, “Take me to North.” You have no idea where you’ll end up. Clarity is key.

Defining Your Goals

Many of us, especially women, often find ourselves without a clear goal because we get caught up in life’s hustle. We juggle obligations like family, careers, and relationships, losing sight of our own dreams. Imagine saying your goal is “abundance” or “happiness.” What does that mean? Can you even define it? Clarity in our goals gives our internal GPS the coordinates to guide us effectively.

Funny GPS Story

A couple of years ago, I was looking for directions to a restaurant in Belize while I was in California. Google Maps gave me directions by hot air balloon! The point is, it doesn’t matter how our guidance will get us there; once you have a clear destination, your inner compass will kick in and guide you, even if it’s by a hot air balloon. Your internal GPS doesn’t judge. It won’t say you need to lose 10 pounds first or that you don’t have enough money. It won’t care about your background, race, or education. It simply asks, “Where do you want to go?”

3 Steps for Using Your Inner Guidance System

  1. Set a Clear Goal: Define exactly what you want.
  2. Trust Your Guidance: Turn up the volume on your inner voice.
  3. Stay Patient and Persistent: Listening to your internal guidance is a skill that takes time to develop.

I hope this resonated with you and inspired you a little. Remember, listening to your internal guidance takes practice, but with persistence, you’ll become more attuned to that inner voice.

If this resonated with you, join me next week. I’ll be giving you three easy steps to increase your intuition so that you can hear those internal directions more clearly. And if you think your inner guidance is broken, join me because life is about to get a whole lot more fun. You do have it, and I can teach you how to access and utilize it. You’re welcome at my table, and I hope to see you next week.

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