Manifestation and Perspective: Choosing Your Own Reality

Hi friend! Today, I had an episode planned, but I decided to pivot because something interesting happened over the weekend that taught me a valuable lesson about manifestation and creating our own reality.

Different Experiences in the Same Moment

Here’s a truth that I came to understand deeply: you and I can be in the same place, at the same time, experiencing the SAME thing, yet have VASTLY different experiences! I could be having the best day ever, while you could be having the worst. What this means is that we are in charge of how we experience the world. We get to CHOOSE how we experience it.

It’s not the circumstances around us that create our reality—it’s our perception of them. Our beliefs, thoughts, and expectations shape our experiences. This is great news because it means we control our own lives. We can change our thoughts and beliefs.

A Lesson from a Wedding

For those who don’t know, my husband and I have been wedding photographers for over 20 years and run a wedding venue. We celebrate with people during the happiest times of their lives and capture those moments on film.

This weekend, a crazy storm hit during a wedding. The bride and groom adapted beautifully, moving the ceremony to our barn. However, the groom’s mother was furious about everything, from the rain plan to parking. She spent the day miserable, hurling hate speech at our staff, calling me names I’d never been called before. It was shocking and hurtful.

Despite this, I realized something important. While she spent the day angry and negative, everyone else was having an AMAZING time! People were dancing, happy, and celebrating. 

Choosing Your Perspective

So, how can two people in the same situation have such different experiences? Our beliefs and expectations shape our experiences. Our brains filter information based on these beliefs, allowing us to see only what aligns with them. This means we can choose how we see the world.

Reflect on Your Own Experiences

Think about a time when people around you had different experiences. We all experience things differently based on our unique perspectives. Our past hurts, traumas, and expectations shape our current experiences.

The Big Question

Alright, friend. So the big question is—who the FUCK do you want to be? What kind of experiences do YOU want to have? Do you want to be the person who’s showing up to the party, having a great time, and spreading joy? Or do you want to be the person who’s toxic, criticizing, and cruel?

YOU GET TO CHOOSE. And this is a choice we get to make over and over—every minute of our life. It’s TOTALLY OK if you’ve shown up as a critical person in the past. You get to pivot, you can choose to change that!

I admit, I’ve been the toxic, criticizing person in the past. And friend, I can tell you—it just didn’t feel good. It never feels good to criticize others or to expect the worst in a situation. This is why I can sit with compassion for a woman who hurls racial and body-shaming slurs at me. I know it’s impossible to be in your true power while being hurtful to another.

A Favorite Quote

Before I sign off, I want to share a quote from A Course in Miracles: “The strong do not attack because they see no need to do so. Before the idea of attack can enter your mind, you must have perceived yourself as weak.” It’s one of my favorite teachings and so true!

Be kind to each other and yourself. Choose how you want to show up, and have a beautiful week!

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