putting yourself first

Overcoming Overwhelm: Make Time for Yourself in a Non-Stop World

Hi Friend! This week’s been a whirlwind with the onset of spring and the start of wedding season. Yep, aside from this podcast, my husband and I are wedding photographers and also manage a venue here in Northern California. Beautiful, yet absolutely hectic times.

So, let’s get to the heart of today’s chat: prioritizing yourself amid the hustle. It’s something I’ve noticed a lot, especially among the driven and successful women I work with. They’ve got it all going on—careers, families, relationships—but when it comes to their own self-care or chasing personal dreams, they’re often put on the back burner.

I hear it all the time: “I want to do X or start Y, but there’s just no time.” Sound familiar? Life’s busy pace means our own needs or dreams get postponed indefinitely. And let’s be real, “someday” never comes. If we wait for the perfect moment, we’ll end up sidelining our own goals for everyone else’s demands, or worse, for endless scrolling, TV binges, or other fillers that don’t really ‘feed’ us.

Take it from me—I once thought I’d organize decades of photos during maternity leave. Spoiler: those photos are still a mess, and my daughter’s now in college. The lesson? Waiting for “someday” means waiting forever.

So, how do we break this cycle? Here’s the game plan:

  • 1) Shift Your Mindset: Saying no, setting boundaries—it won’t end the world. It’s crucial for making space for what truly matters to you.
  • 2) Give Yourself Permission: This is a big one, especially for the women out there who, like me, were never taught to prioritize their own needs. You’ve got to break that cycle. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.
  • 3) Protect Your Me-Time: I mean it. Schedule your “me time” with ironclad commitment. Whether it’s a spa day, working on your dream project, or simply unwinding, make it non-negotiable. Your calendar shouldn’t be at the mercy of others’ demands.

Fair warning: When you start guarding your time, expect pushback, especially from yourself if you’re a people-pleaser. It’s tough at first, but remember, not everything is an emergency, despite what we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe.

This isn’t just about self-care; it’s about fundamentally respecting your own time and ambitions as much as you do others’. By carving out and defending that space for yourself, you’re not just looking after your well-being; you’re taking a stand for your dreams.

Quick and straightforward, that’s the gist for today. If you found this helpful, why not pass it along to someone who could use a reminder to prioritize themselves too? Catch you next week for more insights. Stay focused and take care.

xo Melanie

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