The Real Cost of Procrastination

Hi friend! Today’s podcast episode dives deep into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: procrastination. But before you roll your eyes and think, “Oh, just another pep talk about getting things done,” trust me, this is bigger than that.

You see, procrastination isn’t just about not ticking off tasks on our to-do lists. It’s not even about being lazy or unorganized.  it’s something that slowly chips away at our self-esteem and dreams.

Now, full disclosure, I’m no stranger to the procrastination game. It’s been a lifelong companion of mine, and no shame in that. So, picture this: Andy and I had this employee who was always tardy, like, ridiculously so. And while Andy seemed unfazed, it got under my skin so badly. So, in a fit of frustration, I vented to Andy and told him that she was breaking her commitments which was why I got so irritated. 

But then, he hit me with a truth bomb that I wasn’t prepared for. He basically called me out on my own commitment struggles. Ouch, right? Turns out, I was breaking promises to myself left and right.

And it wasn’t just about the little stuff like hitting the gym. I was putting my dreams on perpetual hold, hitting snooze on my aspirations until they faded into oblivion. Sound familiar?

So, here’s the thing: many of us try to tackle procrastination by seeking external fixes, like accountability partners or rigid schedules. But guess what? That only scratches the surface.

Because beneath that surface lies fear—fear of failure, sure, but also fear of success. It’s this nagging voice that whispers, “What if I’m not good enough?” or “What if I actually achieve this and it changes everything?”

And let me tell you, constantly flaking on ourselves takes a toll. It chips away at our self-trust and leaves us feeling like we can’t even rely on our own word. Imagine making plans with a friend who constantly bails—eventually, you’d stop making plans altogether.

But fear not, my friend, for there are hacks to break free from this cycle. First up, start small. Forget those grandiose plans to overhaul your life overnight. Instead, stack up those little wins like building blocks of confidence.

And speaking of wins, celebrate them! Seriously, don’t downplay your victories. Whether it’s hitting the gym once this week or tackling just one tiny step of that daunting project, give yourself a high five.

Because here’s the kicker: flipping the script from procrastinator to action-taker isn’t just about checking boxes. It’s about reclaiming your power, honoring your commitments to yourself, and chasing those dreams with gusto.

Alright, friend, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to listen to the episode, and head over to listen to the episode and If you found this episode as enlightening as I hope you did, show some love by rating, sharing, and subscribing. 

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